

主演:保罗·道格拉斯,Alex MacKenzie,,James Copeland






  The least-seen of Mackendrick’s Ealing pictures, The Maggie tells an unusual story of a culture clash between the Old and New Worlds. Its title is the name of a decrepit Scottish vessel whose wily captain blackmails an American tycoon into using his ramshackle boat to move valuable furniture to an island mansion. Mackendrick's precursor to Local Hero applies an almost anthropological interest in the vestiges of village culture in the postwar world to establish an irresolvable dichotomy between Yankee pragmatism and materialism and the penurious charm and superstitions of the islanders乡下人1989卫斯理之蓝血人炽爱游戏泰语电路护士代码211乖狗狗福冈恋爱白书9无罪者风尘三千里五路追杀令星期8小镇风云战机:空中勇士 第七季魅力中国新甜蜜的事业稚子骄阳夺命深渊伴我骄阳夜晚开的花极度抑郁火力少年王3寄生人怒晴湘西阿飞和平之舟血乳交融非礼勿视你们不该在这里绑架课女仆日记1946匿名者 警视厅“键盘杀人”对策室郊游上瘾一家两口她的替身男友爱的保镖名侦探洪吉童:消失的村庄高堡奇人第一季猎杀国语人间规则第二季血鲨再见东京(国语版)雪季过客龙与地下城2:龙王的愤怒不是你不爱你魔偶奇谭5邪神复苏

