

主演:Joe Cocker,Pam Cocker,Vic Cocker






  The turbulent life of soul and blues singer, the late Joe Cocker. A former gas fitter from Sheffield , catapulted to world stardom in 1969 at Woodstock with his legendary performance of the Beatles song,"A Little Help from My Friends". But in the early 1970s, Joe Cocker's inner demons nearly killed him. Overcoming his struggles with alcohol and drugs, he rebuilt his reputation as "one of the great primal rock and roll vocalists of all time" (Billy Joel's description). The film mixes Joe Cocker's own words, with rare archive. His family, friends and the legendary songwriters and musicians he collaborated with, tell Joe Cocker's story. The film has raw, electric performance footage throughout.敢死队3普通话版贱精姐弟第一季可不可以不毕业2眠狂四郎魔性剑暗渠昨日欢愉救姜刑警(国语版)三仔苍穹浩瀚第二季北投最后一班列车昆仑阙之前世今生塞勒姆第一季我为喜剧生第一季新罗月夜欲蛇进击女儿国警界传奇雷神(国语版)COSPLAY侠·缘起还珠格格第二部狂风压境美人迟暮毒枭:墨西哥第三季神,再多给点时间星际之门:亚特兰蒂斯 第五季阿罗汉掌风大作战2023MBC歌谣大祭典黎明之前梦洒满乡性/生活第一季一路平安斯文江南第二季罪恶之源南京,今夜请将我遗忘国士无双无名的日子乐酷乐青春第一季



每一次的表演都是用尽全力 太富有感情太有张力的声音表演者

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