

主演:麦肯锡·克鲁克,蒂埃里·威肯斯,英迪娅·布朗,托比·琼斯,Bill Bailey,Nneka Okoye,史蒂夫·佩姆伯顿,萝西·凯弗利洛,薇琪·佩珀代因






  ①Guy Forks:  Guy Forks takes place on the build-up to bonfire night in Scatterbrook, where Worzel finds himself in peril after an argument results in him agreeing to swap jobs with his cousin, a Guy Fawkes effigy.  With The Bonfire Night Committee distracted, Guy convinces Worzel to swap places, but it soon becomes clear that Worzel has bitten off more than he can chew. With Worzel stuck on top of the bonfire, John and Susan turn to Aunt Sally for help, but can they find a way to rescue Worzel before time runs out?  ②Twitchers:  Twitchers, sees a flock of rare birds arrive on Scatterbook Farm, giving Worzel an opportunity to challenge his scaring skills, but those plans are quickly ruined when a group of birdwatchers move in.  o make matters worse, the twitchers’ arrival forces Mr B to come to face to face with his old birdwatching rival, Lee Dangerman. With the twitchers refusing to leave, can the children come up with a plan to help scare the choughs and save Worzel and Mr B from embarrassment?  ③Calliope Jane  Calliope Jane will see FR Peregrine’s travelling fair arrive in Scatterbrook, which Worzel desperately wants to attend but can’t risk being seen by the humans of the village.  So, he seeks out a magical organ which legend says has the power to send humans to sleep, allowing scarecrows to enjoy everything the funfair has to offer.  At the museum, Aunt Sally finds herself agreeing to go on an adventure with another ex-fairground attraction, Calliope Jane, and it turns out Worzel isn’t the only scarecrow who wants to attend the fair… As the scarecrows descend, the risk of being seen intensifies, but will the legend of the enchanted organ turn out to be true?公主夜游记孤儿2018作恶者班长殿下合理怀疑2022戴脚镣的女孩犯罪心理第八季夏日未至 第一季星星与柠檬的房间牧羊人离狼之歌胜者即是正义2014SP神威天使同妻俱乐部第七季玉米田的小孩6海马2019朽木女人的故事嗜血新年追爱大布局空白法式料理梁红玉再见少女时代宿世冤家中国知青部落屋顶的浪漫拼字王魔警国语版圣女魔咒第七季火药、背叛和阴谋(原声版)下生死兄弟情白蛇传金鸡国语不露脸的老板我是山姆圣诞节快乐2020弱点2009在越南最后的日子新常态阵我的左手与右手




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